Sunday, August 14, 2011

I believe in fade

0000, is the last chance for you to call me....
I'm waiting and waiting and waiting......

2300, my phone didnt ring at all, and i couldnt stop calling you....
I wish it was not a voice mail, and is you taking with me on phone but not operator....

2345, i scare~ i really scare i and you will just end like this...
I message you but none of them reply...

2350, trying to contact you no matter what... 
Try to get your house number, but i failed....

2359, I give up on finding you...
But still staring at the phone.... Wish that my phone ring at this time and that is you...
But is not, it didnt ring at all

0000, i totally give up...I didnt cry, but just felt disappointed  why you dont call me...
I think we can still survive without each others~~

0001, I preparing to off my phone, as i spoke you will unable to call me after 12am....
Finally, it ringing~~ and it is you....
I never hesitate to pick up your call.... 
I tear non-stop.... I doest know is because of too happy or what~~
But i just couldnt stop tearing....

You told me you was on phone with Maybe,
and thanks DIGI limit every call for just 45minute...
Luckily Digi stop your line and you just realize i was keep finding and phone you...
You call me immediate when you saw the message i sent.

At that moment, i believe our fade have not end yet.
And this is our FADE!!!
Dont stop it~~~

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