IP MAN2 is now on the cinema. Today is the launching day for IP MAN2 in Malaysia. Wao...I believe that today and coming day, cinema will be full of people. *people mountain people sea* IP MAN is a nice movie, i watch it last time with family member. We love that, especially the brother. I love Donnie Yen. One of my idol after that movie.*wakaka* He is just nice looking as takeshi kaneshiro, man~XD
I bought ticket for IP MAN2 last night, prepare to watch it with family tomorrow. *Thanks god that i still can buy the ticket*Actually im planning to going back to kampar by today. But IP MAN2 attract me to stay back to watch with family^^
One of the attractive point is the cast. All awesome actors and actress. Such as:

Donnie Yen, Famous Kung Fu actors in Hong Kong. *handsome and man* LOVE
In the movie he is the master of Wing Chun

Donnie Yen's wife in the movie

Ip Man's student in the movie

He one of the actor and also the action director for this movie.

Simon Yam, Hong Kong actor.
He is the best friend of Ip Man.
Besides that, after watch that movie i fall in love with kung fu~ but i didnt play kung fu well. Just simply likeXD *dont try to battle with me, cause i totally no idea with it* (wacha~)
They also have their attractive trailer attract alot of audience, they did their good show. Want to know more about their information : IP MAN2
Tomorrow im going to watch this with family...Wuhoo~ What are you waiting for??? Quickly grab your ticket at anyone of the cinema!!! Go Go Go...