The birthday boy- my papa at kampar.
Name: Wong Kha Kean(Kennie)
Course: UTAR Advertising year2 semester1 student
Location: Harvart's basketball court
Beloved family member: Mandy min, Christy yee, Destenie syuen (3 of us McD), turtle toys- okzai, pets-jye, vegetable-teck weei, and the absent fella-ck.

Family photo without Destenie *cause she holding the camera for us*
Our early birthday surprise for our beloved papa, kennie *he is kind and friendly* we like to stay with him cause he take good care all of us and funny attitude.
Complete family photo... Min, Des, pa and me
happy birthday ya~ papa...
min min and papa~^^ yippee
Jye: when we can eat the cake???
Pa: dont know!! See when they want to finish camwhole lo~
wonder they are looking at the cake or looking at me and think why im so short...
okzai, pa, teck weei and myself
The guys group *besides me, i replace for jye*
While papa playing the candle, the UTAR model- teck weei keep showing his face
Aiya...know you lengzai la, next time spam you in my blog XD
The present for him!!! This side draw by Destenie
My handwritting- Happy Birthday 27/3/10
Min Min painting!!! Can see???

Jye drawing and signature.
His birthday present i decide to give a jar of jelly bean cause...
1. I love sweet
2. Easy to prepare
*sorry for dissappointed u, cause busy with the assignment, no time to prepare*
3. Happy to see the colourful stuff

Time to share the jelly bean~ Yummy^^

Oh!!! Almost forgotten to mention. The cake is home-made by Destenie!!!
Our gang's birthday cake are all made by her^^ is very delicious
*wonder who is the next birthday kids, i MISS the cake already*
This time, the cake is carrot favourite no more chocolate but also delicious. Yummy yummy~
Love so much

They look like couple! Cute couple! Aren't??

Jye and me at mm...

Papa and me^^ some one said he look like RAIN. True?

Des and pa, the only one picture they take.

papa and me again~ both of us look so tired!@@

And we ending with playing this effect aound, and i dont know how to explain on the procedure on making this effect!!!
Even we playing like this, the UTAR model still look handsome^^ wakaka....
At last, wish papa happy birthday, happy always and we love you ya