Sunday, February 28, 2010
tired tired tired~
After that, we went back to our hostel to rest and okzai still rushing for his assignment and i request him to wake me up in 730am so that i can pack my things and call teksi. Haha... Thanks to okzai to wake me up so that i didnt miss the train.>< oh~forgot mention the time, it is on friday morning. Actually im going back with my coursemate, they are visiting my house and plan to walk around. Friday morning, my sis pick me up at the train station and we straight went to kotaraya and bukit bintang to do their things. After finish their thing i only go find my friends which is shopping at time square.^^ Both of us are tired and i know them quite unhappy with my late welcoming them, and im so sorry about that cause my family dont have extra cars for me to use...
Finally we went back to my house to bath and ssttle down and we had dinner time with family members at somewhere around kepong. Next watching movie at my house till 12 or 1 am like that we only get into bed. And the next day i have to bring them walk around in kl and have our korea meal at ampang. In their facial expression i know they doesn't like the meal that i intro, so sorry...
Today i will continue to bring them go 1u to shopping and after that have to caome back house to halp mum handle the gathering party. And the gang of friends are going back tonight 10pm train. I am extremely tired and headache, mood very down of those unsatisfied expression of them, so stress to bring them around^^
Friday, February 26, 2010

Today i just give her a call once i reach kl. And asking her result, she is telling me"erm...i was so surprise and cry when i receive the result." Usually people cry will only two situation, there is failed or excellent result. But that time i already knew her result will be flying colour... And she didnt disappointed me, she get 4'A in her STPM result CGPA 3.8. I was like want to cry with she, is just good to heard she get this good result. Its not easy to score a such high mark but she did it, and all of her friends and family are just pround of she... And i check out her profile in facebook, everyone is just pround and happy for her~
Well done liu jing, we pround of you~^^love
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Happy Day
Wahaha... will be going back to kuala lumpur tomorrow early in the morning 0930 train back to kepong and my friends- elise, cheryl and wee wei is coming to kl with me. But unfortunately they cant buy train ticket so they take bus to arrive pudu and we will meet at one place.
another good news is, i just finish dinner*steamboat* with syuen, min, kennie, teck weei, jye, okzai and ck... We all are enjoy eating there and playing(cature)~ and will continue our time at ck's house^^
just a simple nice day...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tzen Tzen, take care

This is special for my best and ever friend-Heok Tzen.

Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chinese New Year
Few more days already is chiness new year, i wish that this year can bring me good good luck!!! Solve those difficult problem that facing by me now such as studies, future, and money... Wahaha... Dont know this year ang pao can get how many leh???Hope will not less that last year, cause im saving money to buy camera... Not going to use ptptn, cause that 1 need to pay for my student fees!!!*Scare this sem cgpa not enough then no ptptn supply for next sem* @@
Wish all my assignment group mate all the best ba!!! We are running out of time, idea, creativity, source and so on~ We work as a team, dont try think negative things it only will make the things more worst!!! At least, we try our best already, right???
Gong Xi Fa Chai and Happy New Year to all my beloved friends....
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The busy week~

Today Y1S3 psychology student are having their reunion dinner at Dong Hai....And with another purpose is to celebrate Orange(07/02/90), teck weei(14/02/89), ck(14/02/90) and wei jye(22/01/89) birthday!!! Yes, today birthday baby got 4 of them~
But result show that got alot of coursemate is to going celebrate their birthday^^ If im not mistaken, it was 5 table dinner in Dong Hai and few of us(5) late comer!!!Yes, it around 55-60 person...What a great amount*shock me*
First time dinner with friend with this great amount*even im not there eating with them, but quite surprise me*...Before we go in, i tot is just 2 table!!! After we arrived, alot of them i dont know well and so embarrassing, because im Public Relations student^^ For me is ok, i can make myself comfortable but just dont know hows others feel....
Heard they said 5 table of that costed them RM900++ But luckily is AA system if not sure very 'da wo'...haha~ Very happy to have time with them, even they are pschology student but they handle well than our PR student!!! Compare to us*my gang friends*, they more co-operative and active in those activity they organize, for example last semester they have free hug within the lecture class. And the next coming event is wearing red or pink color t-shirt in the lecture class to celebrate early CNY...Not only the few ppl involve but the whole course student are invited!!! Sound good right? Just hope that i have this group of people in my course and assignment, sure will not boring at all!!! Fortunately, they take me as a part of them even we both different course....Really very appreciate this group of friends^^ XD LOVE YOU GUYS
Again, wish all the birthday baby HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALL THE DREAMS COME TRUE, HAPPY ALWAYS NO MORE EMO and happy chinese new year!!!!*LOVE*
Happy happy day~:D
Happy Birthday to You~

tic tok tic tok.....1u is super super slow....after calling him, he still in his house to msn-ing OMG==''''''''''

Nothing gonna change my LOVE for You
The days would be all empty
The night would seem so long
With you i see forever oh so clearly
I might have been love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now
Touch me now
I dont want to live without you
Nothing gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much i love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much i love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
If the road ahead is not so easy
Our love will lead the way for us
Just like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You dont have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too
Hold me now
Touch me now
I dont want to live without you
Nothing gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much i love you
One things you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much i love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you~
Friday, February 5, 2010

Stress go away
Monday, February 1, 2010
Love Drama
Is guided by Dickson. I like his drama, cause very attractive and fun. Is easily acceptable by youth. The story is about a girl fell in love with a guy which call Adam since 5 years ago but on the other hands, Adam refuse to confront with she cause he scare will reject by the girl. Their love story help by a guy name Peter which is the best friend of the girl and love her in depth. He act as Cupid and guide Adam to speak out his mind. Finally... they get together but the girl doesn't know is helped by peter. The ending is quite touching.*i like it*
After follow by the drama "那一刻”, guided by William Yap. Is an experienced director.

Is good also, funny but abit boring cause the girl are drunk from the start till the end. The story is about a guy love secretly with the best friend, he wait for her quietly but thats a no future love story.
Last but not least....
The last Dinner
Is guided by Roland Lee. Honestly i dislike this drama. Not because is a gay love story, im not prejudice with gay. But this drama make me feel very geli...*vomit* dont know how to explain in word!!! The story is about triangle love story...
Overall is ok. Different people can have different perception, some like dickson's drama or very dislike Dickson's drama is depend on yourself how you going to view the story and the performing style. Different angle can see different things... I like it, and i think is worth Rm35 per ticket. After this drama i felt exciting cause i like performing arts too... I like to perform, enjoy to catch audience attention and like their eyes looking at me~^^